Friday, February 19, 2010

CHL Associations

I made it clear that I was not happy with the fact that the TCHA association that I had purchased my powerpoint shows from were so "Lackluster". After that, I received some interesting replies that would indicate that there were members that were also DPS that were not happy with me pointing out that it was so lackluster. After several months of attempting to contact TCHA, I was contacted by them with a "Well, why did you not call us first" email.

Then I started getting emails from revel associations that wanted me to join them and buy their products. So, I responded. TACCI's, Antonio Orozco let me know real quick that I was foolish to join the TCHA. The problem is that TACCI's Antonio Orozco made it clear that working on improving the Texas CHL program was not the mission of his organization. TACCI's mission was to make it politically difficult for opposition to thrive in the Texas arena. Then, he made the ultimate statement: "I am working on a plan to bring safety to our 'free carrying while in their vehicles totters."

That left me with a cold chill. What are "free carrying while in their vehicles" totters? Are these people that are not paying their fair share of the toll to carry their firearms in their vehicles? Is that how TACCI looks at not licensed people "Free Carriers".

Handgun Training

I find that a lot of individuals that take the Concealed Handgun Training program in just about any state soon finds out that the class is really intended for those that have a greater understanding of the use of a handgun. Therefore, I offer training on a more basic, marksmanship, level. My class offer coaching and basic familiarization with a Handgun. As a member of the Texas Tactical Police Officer's Association, I also cover important issues that relate to the citizen soldier and the civilian policing of our communities. Look for me at Thanks, Tom