Sunday, March 18, 2012

Doomsday Preppers

Doomsday Preppers:

I know that I am not going to make a lot of friends by saying this… but it is true and must be addressed. Lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina are too numerous to address, but too important to simply skim over. Let me address some of what the bigger problems were during that event. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

1. There was a group of individuals that came to the New Orleans area from the Northeast that took it upon themselves to loot homes, cars, and rob people of their basic American Rights. They were known as “Law Enforcement”.
2. While serving as a military police with the shelters south of San Antonio, TX, I witnessed several acts of unprofessional, illegal, immoral, and criminal behavior. These individuals were all “Law Enforcement”.
3. After several attempts by the military to force the law enforcement to “Do the right thing”, some of these military commanders were relieved of their commands.
4. The greatest threat to any American during a major crisis where the infrastructure fails would be “Rogue” Law Enforcement.

In a doomsday event the most organized groups of individuals in your area would be Fire Department, EMS, and “Law Enforcement”. The Law Enforcement group would be the most well armed of all these groups. To add to the strength of these groups would be the “Brotherhood” concept of “Birds of a Feather”; there is a bond that would naturally bring these individuals together (for the most part). Factions, where Law Enforcement would “square off” against each other, would be the greatest threat to a “doomsdayer”. Hiding in a storm shelter would be of little use against them. By virtue of their occupations, they would be the most capable of defeating any of the defensive systems you might have.

The military is bound by Constitutional Law to be subordinate to Law Enforcement. Commanders would be hard pressed to go against the Constitution even in a Doomsday event. During the Katrina event, military personnel (National Guard) initially began working with and supporting the Law Enforcement Officers that were looting and robbing civilians of their guns and ammunition. It was only when General Russel L. Honoré arrived, that he ordered all soldiers to “Disarm”. General Honoré found it repugnant to see military personnel take up an offensive posture toward the men and women that they took an oath to protect… with their own lives.

The highest ranking police officer in every Texas County is the Sheriff. This is often times argued by the local law enforcement from local towns, but they seem to fail to realize that there is a fundamental reason for this. The reason that the Sheriff is the highest ranking Law Enforcement Officer in the county is simply because he/she is “Elected”. This means that he should be a direct representation of the “True Government” of the people. Unfortunately, where we are supposed to be a government of the people; by default, we are a government of the people that “VOTE”. This may mean that the highest ranking law enforcement officer in your county might be nothing more than a “Yes Man” for the small group of aristocrats that voted. If this is true, God help you!

With this in mind, let me go on to present my ideas on preparing for a doomsday event. First, hiding out in a storm shelter would be too expensive for most, impossible for many, and not likely for just about everyone reading this. The real strength is in numbers. These groups need to have a well respected “Hierarchical Command Structure”. It would be best that these groups be organized, supplied, and trained in much the same manner as Law Enforcement and Military. In fact, the best way to accomplish this would be: “If you can’t beat them, join them!” To put it more distinctly, the Texas State Constitution clearly states that every citizen can be drafted into the State Militia for defense of the State. It goes on to say that the County Judge (also elected from the people that vote) and the Sheriff may both call upon the citizens of the county to be activated either in a “Militia” form or in “Law Enforcement” status.

Many counties in the State of Texas have groups that are identified as, “Sheriff’s Posse”, “Citizens Police Academy”, or by other names such as “Hawkeyes”. These groups may or may not have former law enforcement attachments. Many of these groups are forming from individuals that are licensed to carry concealed handguns. In counties where the Sheriff is elected by a large group of responsible citizens, these groups have a tremendous amount of influence on the safety of their communities. When small counties take a personal interest in the electing of the County Judge and the Sheriff in such a manner, there is a high confidence level for “Government of the People”; then these groups have the greatest possibility to survive a doomsday event. One very good program for preparing for this type of Hierarchical Command Structure would be the infamous “Incident Command System” that is required reading by most fire, police, EMS programs. This program is free and found on the FEMA website. I know that this is a bad name in the political arena, but remember that the people that hate it the most are Democrats. If you trash a system enough, anyone will begin to believe it is bad.

In any case, getting to know your law enforcement community and learning more about how they think and act can be of tremendous advantage; both for offense and defense. Citizens should sign up and be involved in “ride-outs”, as well as, get involved in the day to day operations of the Sheriff’s department. Being involved in your local Sheriff’s Department accomplishes several positive tasks.
• Officer’s that are being watched by a citizen that has been given permission to “ride-out” by the Sheriff will be more restrained and self conscious.
• A Citizen that personally witnesses the job of an officer may be more sympathetic to the officer’s job.
• When officers and private citizens work together, they become familiar with each other’s lives. This could mean the difference between life and death in the event of a doomsday scenario. Officers that recognize you as “Friendly” might delay shooting or taking an offensive posture.
• Learning how the command structure works, and being open to respecting it, will help when the time comes for you to join up with the group in an event.
• Learning how the officer’s think, act, and respond can help you provide positive or negative feedback to the Sheriff concerning the continued employment of a particular officer or group of officers.
• Learning how the Sheriff thinks, acts, and responds will help you be more informed when it comes time to VOTE!
• When the numbers of armed and educated citizens that are involved as volunteers with the Sheriff’s department outnumber the local city police, these local departments will less likely to be an opposing faction in a doomsday event.

While you are at it, get to know the County Judge, Justice of the Peace, County Commissioners, and the Constables. These individuals should all be on your list of “who’s who” in your county. If any of these individuals would be considered a threat (i.e. control freaks, arrogant, demanding, or have trouble recognizing you as a human), make plans to vote appropriately or be prepared to shoot in self-defense. Again, we are supposed to be a government of the people… but by default, we are a government of the people that VOTE.

For those that want to hide out in a doomsday shelter, think about this; first, if you and your family are the only family to survive:

• Who will they reproduce with after all is said and done?
• Where will they go when things get better?
• How many decades do you plan on your ammunition holding out?
• Can you use any other type of weapon other than a pistol, shotgun, and rifle? [i.e, are you competent with a Bow, Crossbow, Blowgun?
• Are you proficient with the Hunter/Gatherer concept?
• Are you ready to kill people that you once knew as friends?
• Are you ready for what will come to you if you act too soon and there is no need for acting?
• Are you ready for what will come to you if you act too late and there was a need to act?

In the computer Gaming World, there is a game known as “WarCraft”. This game has some intriguing lessons for the gamer. In the scenarios of the game, the player must first build structures to survive and reproduce. Second, the player must build farms for food. There is only a limited amount of this that the player can do without some type of currency. The game allows for the player to mine Gold from a local mine, but there is little that can be done with that gold. In order for the player to increase the worthiness of the gold, the player must build a smelter shop. After this, there are many different levels that they player must complete before they can be a world player. Two of these steps include, (1) the building of an educational facility to provide higher learning, and (2) the building of a Church in order to give your people a sense of higher worth.

These two steps may well seem to be negligible, but are far more important than you may realize. Our country is in a steady decline due to the failure of these two assemblies. First, our educational facilities have all become usurped by people that we should be most afraid of. Credentialing has become one of America’s greatest failures. Credentialing by Academia has now become one of America’s greatest push toward an Aristocracy of Elitist. The assumption that an individual with an education is somehow worth more as a human is repugnant. However, the worthiness of someone with an education must be recognized. Unfortunately, many individuals can now get the credentialing they need for being apart of the Aristocracy without having to meet the obligations of learning. These individuals are given a pass due to being in “Protected Classes.” Others purchase their Credentials outright. Still other may work hard for their Credentials and earn them rightly… but be refused those Credentials due to failure to be good servants in the Political System.

Second, if you think that “lack of religion” within the U.S. is the problem, think again! The fact of the matter is; American now has a mandatory government religion. To think otherwise is folly. I like to refer to this church as the “Secular Church of the Sacred Pork” (or SCSP). The SCSP is an institution with a mandatory tithing that reaches deep into the pockets of each parishioner. Participation is mandatory. The benefits are great if you bow to the correct leaders. We have a Pope (President), a College of Cardinals (Senators), Bishops (Congressional Representatives), and Priest (Judges) that can forgive us of our sins with the right amount of gold and reciting three “Hail Mommy State” and five “Our Fatherland”. In short, we now have what our Constitution strictly prohibits: State run religion. If you don’t think this is true, just look at the books that are being used in our public school system to teach our children about “Mother Earth”, “Tree Hugging”, and “Environmentalism”. What’s more is the fact that Morals and Ethics for members of the SCSP are “relative” and defined by the ones with the most credentials from the educational facilities that are owned and operated by the SCSP.

I default back to my earlier statement about getting to know your local law enforcement. Understand that when the government fails, some of it will survive. Local leadership will be tested, but may well be the best thing to have. The stronger groups that survive will be the ones that work together in unity. These groups will be comprised of law enforcement, fire service, emergency medical departments, health care organizations, and Churches. Probably the one set of groups that will be most helpful in rebuilding a safe and secure environment in a doomsday community will be those churches of faith. The church of faith will provide “morals”, “ethics”, and “a sense of responsibility” to the masses. The local governments will have power over the Law, Fire, Health care… but it will be the church that acts as a catalyst to hold them together in peace. The failure of the Federal Government might well be the action that is needed most for these “Churches of Faith” to regain a foothold in our failing nation.

The SCSP, on the other hand, will be vehemently opposed to any attempt by Churches of Faith. A Church of Faith will, by default, want to limit assistance to those that are willing to listen to, and participate in, training based on Moral standards that are related to a Deontological concept. Any attempt to turn the heads of the masses away from the SCSP and their God (themselves) will be met with extreme “Righteous Indignation.” And Union Violence!

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