Thursday, December 8, 2011

Pistol Actions??

There is a lot of issue concerning Pistol Actions. First, Texas State Law refers to Pistol actions as: 1. Semi Auto, 2. Single Action Revolver, and 3. Double Action Revolver. Even the NRA has it listed in its training manual this way.

There are actually 4 types of Pistol Actions:

Single Action Only [SAO]
Double Action/Single Action [DA/SA] Sometimes called Traditional Double-Action
Double Action Only [DAO]
Striker Action [Safe Action]

When all is said and done, there really are only two separate Action Types: Double Action, where the trigger pulls the hammer back and releases it, and Single Action, where the trigger simply releases that action.

The problem is that certain competitions groups have a problem placing the "Striker Action" pistol. I think the bottom line is that the Striker Action pistol (essentially a "pinball" action pistol") requires that the striker be moved from a resting position to a position of "Potential Energy" state before it is released to the "Kinetic Energy" state... essentially making it a double action "ACTION" based on the fact that the trigger first "Cocks" the firing pin and then releases the pin for firing (2 actions=Double action).

The issue is the fact that the Safe Action or Striker Action pistols does not use a Hammer to hit the firing pin. Instead it uses a pulling/spring-loaded action with the firing pin only (much like a pinball machine). Because it eliminates the Hammer, groups like the IDPA tend to have difficulty placing it in a category based on Stock, Enhanced, or other specialty.

I think the bottom line here is the fact that groups like the IDPA are filled with "Gun Bigots" that will find any excuse to eliminate, or reduce, the competition.

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