Monday, June 18, 2012

Was Adolph the AntiChrist?

Was Hitler a "BAD GUY"?

Don’t get me wrong here; this does not change the fact that he was responsible for all that terror. But Hitler never put a gun to anyone’s head, or gassed anyone, or burned anyone.

Hitler can only be accused of “Looking the other direction” while his followers did the dirty deeds. With this in mind, one has to contemplate that Hitler might have been the follower and not the other way around. Think about it! If you were exalted to fame and stardom because of your vocal skills, would you give it all up in an instant just to make sure the story is written correctly? Would you risk being removed from your place of exaltation and possibly being murdered just because there were some people patting you on the back that did not understand the whole story (i.e. you happened to be partially of the race of people that you are allowing to be exterminated?)
Never let the Prince of Fools blind you to the Confederacy of Fools that made him Prince.

Adolph was nothing more than an extremely articulate speaker. He was well groomed and always a gentleman to the ladies. He loved children, did not drink or smoke, and believed that being physically fit was very important. He always dressed nicely and was very particular about how he looked to the people watching. It was a man named Anton Drexler that brought Adolph to the Union meetings to speak. Drexler was fascinated in how well Adolph spoke to the people.

Adolph was elevated to power by a Union that wanted to unite the country under one banner. This Union wanted equality, pride, and stability. This Union wanted to give the people power and the ability to have a voice throughout the world. Was it Adolph that surrounded himself with bad people, or bad people that surrounded and exalted Adolph?

Although this Union wanted to Unite and Empower the people, it had a dark side. This Union would threaten and torment those that spoke out against the Union. This Union would attack and beat those that did not walk in step with the Union. This Union (NSDAP) was the National/Socialist Deutsche Arbitration Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei); or as Winston Churchill called them: NAZI.

Can you not, now, understand how Obama could be compared to Hitler? Remember too that the Prince of Fools does not have to be a Fool; only foolish enough to accept the position of their Prince.

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